Saturday, 11 October 2008


Stuck……….. stuck……… stuck

It hithered and tithered
Hopped and slided
Up, down, Left and right
But there was no way out.....

The butterfly was stuck
Stuck in the jam-packed city bus
Stuck on the glass panel above the window.

It flapped its wings frantically
Moved its antennae desperately
But it went unnoticed…..
…….in the bustling crowd

It seemed there was no hope
Her bony hand reached out …….
…..stretched a piece of paper towards it

The butterfly slithered on to it willingly
She opened the window,
moved the paper out

The butterfly spread its wings
Stretched it beautifully
broad, wide and colourful
It fluttered away happily
into the dense Bougainville bushes
that lined the footpath of the busy road

Her face lit up with joy…….
joy of relief
joy of fulfillment
joy of satisfaction
The joy of freedom



A thought struck her

Who will help her……!?

To break the barriers blocking her

Break the mould encasing her

Cut the strings entangling her

& let her into the terrain of freedom………
……..into the dense void of Eternal bliss